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If there is one location where you certainly would not expect Godzilla to show up, it's your kitchen. After all, the famous giant lizard is usually...
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If we were to believe a popular commercial, and the meme created out of it, the most interesting man in the world is drinking beer. But come on, th...
View full detailsIn Diagon Alley, at the Burrow, and in the Great Hall on just about any occasion, Harry and his friends can find baked goods galore in the form of ...
View full detailsThe life of a starship captain is not always as easy as you might think. In addition to dealing with hostile aliens, you also have to manage the va...
View full detailsAs Muggles, we have to do without some comforts. Although we have been able to compensate for many things with our technology, our lack of magic st...
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When he's not using it to kill giants and other enemies of Asgard, Thor's legendary hammer is also perfect for removing the cap from your favourite...
View full detailsIf a towel is the most important utensil to have with you when traveling the galaxy, then a tea towel is definitely the most important item in your...
View full detailsYes, we all know the stereotype: the male nerd enjoys a science-fiction classic like Star Wars while his girlfriend slowly drifts off to sleep. Fir...
View full detailsIn the world of witches and magicians, potions play a role on various occasions: In heartbreak or lovesickness, in the search of the truth, in tran...
View full detailsThe journey of the Fellowship, which sets out to destroy the One Ring and prevent the reign of terror of Sauron is not only dangerous and adventuro...
View full detailsWhen Harry - and we as readers - first get to know the world of witches and wizards, he is fascinated by all the magic. As we all know, it manifest...
View full detailsUsually, we nerds take offence at wonky science in books, movies and series, don't we? After all, science is the one thing that unites us under the...
View full detailsIf you ask die-hard science-fiction fans who the most iconic bad guys are, then some would be sure to name the stormtroopers. These imperial goons ...
View full detailsOn their journeys, Frodo, Bilbo and all their companions have experienced many an adventure and have been through times of hardship. And we all kno...
View full detailsThe best scene in Harry Potter - both the books and the movies - is definitely when Harry decides to buy a piece of every single snack on the Hogwa...
View full detailsIf the Transformation lessons don't work out right and you don't happen to be an Animagus, there's basically only one way for a young wizard to tra...
View full detailsHogwarts founders Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff were of very different opinions when it came to the t...
View full detailsWhile other races tend to use long and unnecessarily complicated greetings, Vulcans have boiled down social interaction to the bare minimum: Five f...
View full detailsThey wanted to know about the meaning of life but asked for "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything". And that to...
View full detailsOf all the technological advancements shown in Star Trek, the transporter would without a doubt be most practical to have. Sure, phasers, replicato...
View full detailsEven though Harry Potter tends to rely primarily on Expelliarmus in the books and movies, there’s another spell that the boy with the scar seemingl...
View full detailsIn the midst of Sauron’s war against the rest of Middle Earth, one place seems to be almost untouched by all the trouble. We are, of course, talkin...
View full detailsThe fact that we as Muggles never got the chance to be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses by the Sorting Hat is something most Harry Potte...
View full detailsLike all villains, the dark side of the Force usually lures us in with empty promises. Who hasn't heard the famous quote from Darth Vader to Luke: ...
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Anyone who thinks that witches and wizards never go on long journeys is mistaken. Unlike us Muggles, they can use quick alternatives such as floo p...
View full detailsIf you have finally managed to get hold of a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, you will first get a shopping list as long as your arm. Of course, y...
View full detailsTo our surprise, even the world of wizards and witches involves dealing with rather mundane problems: plagued by money problems, the Sorting Hat fr...
View full detailsAre you a master brewer or are you simply looking for an iconic container for bottling and serving your favorite drink? Either way, you're in luck ...
View full detailsJack Skellington is master of Halloween, the coolest holiday of the year, but it doesn't make him happy. No wonder, after the umpteenth repetition ...
View full detailsWhat do you think of when someone says “Destroyer of the World”? Probably not a marshmallow mannequin that’s about 35 metres tall.Unless, of course...
View full detailsOne of the best Christmas movies is, besides Die Hard, obviously Tim Burton's cult classic The Nightmare Before Christmas. The adventures of the Pu...
View full detailsEven though most people in our neck of the woods constantly complain about the weather all the time, we've got it rather good in comparison. We don...
View full detailsEven in the days before Ultra HD and flat screen televisions, good movies could scare us. Classics like IT and Nightmare on Elm Street were still s...
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