In the midst of Sauron’s war against the rest of Middle Earth, one place seems to be almost untouched by all the trouble. We are, of course, talkin...
View full detailsFor a long time, researchers believed that the dinosaurs died out as a result of a meteorite impact on Earth. We now know this may not be the case....
View full detailsLike every machine, the human body needs to be recharged from time to time. For our machines it's having enough batteries in stock – for us it's co...
View full detailsSteeping herbs, fruits and leaves in a hot liquid, grinding and boiling exotic beans, adding pinches of fine powder and other liquids as desired......
View full detailsAfter we feared we had lost Groot forever at the end of part 1 of the Guardians of the Galaxy series, he was turned into cute Baby Groot. who accom...
View full detailsIn the extremely popular video game Minecraft, a pickaxe is widely considered to be the most important tool. No pickaxe = no mining = no Minecraft....
View full detailsMonday mornings… Sometimes they make you feel like you’re possessed by a demon! Every little thing makes you jump out of your skin, you feel irrita...
View full detailsThe training you have to go through to become a real Shinobi, and perhaps later Hokage, is extremely hard. But even with the most demanding trainin...
View full detailsA good pirate is adventurous, cunning, maybe a bit crazy and most of all… they can hold their liquor! And what better way to impress your crew than...
View full detailsStress is one of the biggest health problems in today’s society. And it’s so easy to get rid of it: once you drink from the Pokémon 3D Mug Snorlax ...
View full detailsSpace is a hostile place where there really is everything you can imagine. So you'd better watch out that a space snake doesn't suddenly bite your ...
View full detailsAh yes, after a long day of protecting Earth and banishing villains, a good tea is just perfect. But what’s that? Was your mug affected by the Moon...
View full detailsOf all the technological advancements shown in Star Trek, the transporter would without a doubt be most practical to have. Sure, phasers, replicato...
View full detailsYes, we all know the stereotype: the male nerd enjoys a science-fiction classic like Star Wars while his girlfriend slowly drifts off to sleep. Fir...
View full detailsAccording to the internet, "Trust me – I'm an engineer" is a phrase that will automatically give the person who has uttered it the ability to fix a...
View full detailsSometimes a cup of hot chocolate, tea or coffee really does have a magical effect on the mind and body. With the magic potion warming mug you can a...
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