Practice makes perfect. No matter what you're talking about – sports, music, literature, basically every other activity – it's always good to start...
View full detailsThe Doppler effect describes the change in perception and measuring of frequencies, while its sender and recipient either move towards each other, ...
View full detailsIt's strange that, alongside supporters of authoritarian systems in dystopian novels, scientists of all people make conspicuously frequent mistakes...
View full detailsWhether you love physics, enjoy watching The Big Bang Theory or just like the colors: This little atom is just right for you. But please don't try ...
View full detailsIt doesn't always have to be a large cattle phi, a herd of small phi can also be very productive. However, it is better not to eat the meat rho...
What's better than a Pi? Eight pi, or more precisely one octopi. This number is exactly eight times more infinite than pi. You don't believe us? Wh...
View full details15 nerds on the admin's chest, yo-ho-ho and a mug of coffee! If ye arrrr one o' them people who be Pi rates, you should tell ever'one by wearing th...
View full detailsThe night of the living dead, now with 100% more cats. Schrödinger's cat has illustrated one of the many interesting aspects of quantum physics and...
View full detailsDid you see that ridiculous display last night?The perfect start for a manly conversation about sports!Of course, you need to dress right, but you ...
View full detailsMany of us have heard at school - or later in life - what potential we have if we just tried harder. But it should be clear that potential depends ...
View full detailsFaith in God can be an issue. Most of the scientists around here won't accept it as a basis of their existence. Often enough, faith stands in ...
View full detailsAt some point in our lives, all of us nerds have had to explain to other people what exactly a nerd is. And when some know-it-all then asks us to s...
View full detailsIsn't it amazing what the human brain is capable of? Not only has it secured us our place at the top of the food chain, it can also adapt extremely...
View full detailsOn this shirt, the famous quote from Star Wars must have been written down by a physicist. Out of habit, he or she replaced the word "force" with a...
View full detailsStar Wars fans watch out ... Here comes a smash hit: the Force from Star Wars is real! At least if you misunderstand the second Newtonian law – or ...
View full detailsWhen it comes to charms, we nerds usually think of powerful spells in pen-and-paper games, the counterpart to the Strange Quark or simply a certain...
View full detailsMagnesium reacting with oxygen is observed in chemistry class in school, by most people. Magnesium reacts with oxygen in a highly exothermic reacti...
View full detailsMaths is everywhere and especially bright when Pi is included. Unfortunately, there're too many mere mortals who don't see the beauty of ...
View full detailsMaybe the Borg should re-think their dress code and instead, put on the Resistance is futile T. Shirt which would be better than wired overalls tha...
View full detailsLooks like the Borg are in need of a physics lesson or two! Obviously, they've failed to assimilate a culture having at least some basic knowl...
View full detailsThe famous experiment by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (which was, we hope, meant to be an imagined experiment only!) describes the mad side of quant...
View full detailsThe most famous cat of all time (well, apart from Garfield) is without a doubt Schrödinger's Cat. In a legendary thought experiment, the Austrian q...
View full detailsDo you remember when we were little and our mum & dad and our teachers told us about the solar system? And how many planets were there? Nine, right...
View full detailsNerds talk nerdy, and, if you want to get laid, well, pull the right levers and persuade your wonderwall by uttering some real geeky stuff that wil...
View full detailsAre you an optimist or a pessimist? Simply look at the glass and tell us if it's half full or half empty ...Everyone knows this pseudo-scientific p...
View full detailsThe protons are doing it right: They always stay positive. We should take them as role models :)
If you run really, really fast this green T-shirt might appear blue. And by fast we mean extra racy ;).This effect is caused by the Doppler effect,...
View full detailsThe Physical Society needs your help! You may know of Schrodinger's famous thought experiment: Basically, it's the theory that in quantum physics, ...
View full detailsWhen the borgs had known that it would have been so easy.