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The most famous cat of all time (well, apart from Garfield) is without a doubt Schrödinger's Cat. In a legendary thought experiment, the Austrian q...
View full detailsEven Einstein said he had respect for the complexity of quantum physics. So if you're not a fan of this t-shirt, don't worry, we have several other...
View full detailsAre you bored of wrapping your cool, geeky gifts, which you picked out with love and care, (ideally from our shop, of course!)– in oh-so boooring w...
View full detailsIsn't it amazing what the human brain is capable of? Not only has it secured us our place at the top of the food chain, it can also adapt extremely...
View full detailsWhile electronics certainly is a complex and fascinating field, many newcomers are put off by the sheer amount of complex information out there. Wh...
View full detailsAnyone who's even remotely interested in electronics and tinkering would probably take a bath in LEDs, batteries, transistors and other parts Scroo...
View full detailsFaith in God can be an issue. Most of the scientists around here won't accept it as a basis of their existence. Often enough, faith stands in ...
View full detailsOver the course of millennia, mankind has managed to explore almost every square metre of the Earth's surface. As such, only the deep sea and space...
View full detailsThe cake is a pie ;)Even maths can be a delicious treat. You just have to know how to take it - or how to bake it.
As nerds, we like jokes and plays on words that outsiders might not get. Our favourite dead horse to beat is the number Pi. After all, Pi is basica...
View full detailsOver the last few decades, geeks and nerds have managed to conquer most parts of everyday life and we can proudly display our interests by wearing ...
View full detailsPractice makes perfect. No matter what you're talking about – sports, music, literature, basically every other activity – it's always good to start...
View full detailsSadly, our everyday lives have a lot of potential for negative thoughts. But it’s important we don’t let negative experiences impact the rest of ou...
View full detailsDo you remember when we were little and our mum & dad and our teachers told us about the solar system? And how many planets were there? Nine, right...
View full details“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” – no less a person than Stephen Hawking said this sentence. And he is right: On this Intelligence ...
View full detailsSince its launch in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured numerous stunning images from faraway parts of space: striking comets, undiscover...
View full detailsAre you an optimist or a pessimist? Simply look at the glass and tell us if it's half full or half empty ...Everyone knows this pseudo-scientific p...
View full detailsPluto isn't just chronically lonely - far away from the sun, the Earth, and the other celestial bodies of our solar system - the poor orb has even ...
View full detailsMaybe the Borg should re-think their dress code and instead, put on the Resistance is futile T. Shirt which would be better than wired overalls tha...
View full detailsIf you're interested in the inner workings of our universe and what makes it tick, you'll sooner or later encounter the periodic table. In this han...
View full detailsWhen the borgs had known that it would have been so easy.
The moment you find the element of surprise in a periodic table would, logically, be a rather accidental one, since it has to be surprising.But if ...
View full detailsOK, you're allowed to admit it: Maths was your favourite subject at school and you just couldn't get enough of it, right? And even today ...
View full detailsWhen you were a kid, did you used to love rolling marbles down a run and watching them roll down and around and around...? It was probably only mad...
View full detailsIn physics, you can find many renowned scientists and theorists that are good role models. But the smallest role models are often overlooked in the...
View full detailsWith a Potato Clock, you won't need batteries or electricity from the power socket anymore –(at least not to know what time it is).Do you reme...
View full detailsPhysicists do indeed make great parents! Having an answer as to why the sky is blue, or why flies in a moving car don't hit the back window ar...
View full detailsThis rather chilling choice of words from the Borg right before assimilation shows the benefits of a hive mind and thus the shared knowledge of sev...
View full detailsMany astronomers (not to be confused with astrologists!) started their stairway to the heavens at a planetarium, where they watched projections of ...
View full detailsPatience is a virtue, they say. But they never tell you how to become patient and achieve a state of absolute relaxation. So it looks like we've go...
View full detailsThe famous experiment by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (which was, we hope, meant to be an imagined experiment only!) describes the mad side of quant...
View full detailsThis lamp brings together what belongs together: the iconic geometric lamp shape of the lava lamp, known to most kids from the 70s and 90s, and the...
View full detailsFinishing a puzzle is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, you successfully put 300, 500 or even 1000 pieces together; on the other hand, you hav...
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Sadly, our everyday lives have a lot of potential for negative thoughts. But it’s important we don’t let negative experiences impact our day – if w...
View full detailsThere are a few things you can't predict: Who dies next on Game of Thrones, the Spanish Inquisition or the element of surprise Ah! This little elem...
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