The story of Tanjiro, who becomes a demon hunter to save his sister, is one of the most successful anime ever, thanks to the fantastic animation an...
View full detailsThe Lord of Light, the Red God, The Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadows… just a few names given to the deity R'hllor in Game of Thrones and...
View full detailsA wand, a pewter cauldron, a set of glass or crystal phials, a telescope, a set of brass scales and a pet (please note: an owl OR a cat OR a toad)....
View full detailsEven if you were born with magical abilities, you would not be able to avoid learning magic from scratch. As we know, thanks to “Harry Potter”, it’...
View full detailsThe hardest thing in the movie adaptation of Ready Player One is keeping track of all the homages and franchises featured in the film. Sure, we spo...
View full detailsOn expeditions into the vastness of space, all the glory ultimately goes to the captain, although without the engineers there wouldn’t even be a sh...
View full detailsOrder is the key to success. What's true on Earth is true even more so in the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek. As a captain, it's your du...
View full detailsBeing a smuggler is a tough job. You have to keep track of the individual orders at all times, plan routes and, most important of all, stay one ste...
View full detailsWith all the new films and series, it's easy to forget how old Star Wars actually is. The first film was released in 1977. That's why the style of ...
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