Remember [[The Legend of Zeldawhere the Old Man suggests that Link takes a sword with him because "it's dangerous to go alone"?This simple sentence...
View full detailsWhat does a hero truly need? A magic sword, a mithril shirt and magical powers? Well, those and a proper jacket, of course. After all, what good is...
View full detailsLet's be honest: In the digital age, very few people need the advertising brochures that land in their mailboxes more or less regularly. But someho...
View full detailsAmong wizards and witches, the creation of a Horcrux is seen as the ultimate sin. After all, a Horcrux allows the creator to split up their soul an...
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Gather round, all ye weary adventurers! Stretch your tired legs at the campfire and listen while we present the ultimate innovation in alchemy: the...
View full detailsIn many video games and collector card games, you need Mana for everything magic. Since Mana is your spiritual energy, i.e. the resource of your ma...
View full detailsWhat do two fantasy dwarves from a saga about magical rings have in common with Italian plumbers? Well, they’re on an important mission, have to su...
View full detailsKeys are an important part of our daily lives. Who doesn't use them a few times a day to get into their house, office, car, cupboard, safe? Th...
View full detailsEven though the fight for the Iron Throne of Westeros was decided in the last season of the cult TV series Game of Thrones, most of us still like t...
View full detailsTanjiro is a hero, no question about it. Not only does he hunt demons to protect people from them, but he also does everything he can to save his l...
View full detailsBarad-dur was Sauron's fortress in Mordor and one of the most terrifying places in the whole of Middle-earth. Inside the fortress were weapons forg...
View full detailsNerds and hobbits would agree that there's no place like home. Nevertheless, you will certainly appreciate a proper pub where you can meet up with ...
View full details"The Lord of the Rings" has fascinated us nerds for generations. It's not just the detailed and diverse value of Middle-earth that inspires us, but...
View full detailsHave you long wished to behold the kings of the Ancients? The statues of Isildur and Elendil rise like two giants of stone on the banks of the Andu...
View full detailsNeed to get to Mordor to destroy a fateful artifact, or just to take a vacation in the barren plains of Gorgoroth? Smeagol knows the way! With the ...
View full detailsThe land of Mordor, over which Sauron rules from Barad-dûr, has been a dark and inhospitable place since the Second Age. So it is long past time to...
View full details"Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima!" - "Hail, Earendil, brightest of the stars!"When Frodo sets off from Lothlorien with his eight companions and Gala...
View full detailsSméagol, Bilbo or just a Lord of the Rings fan searching for really nice and special merch for their favourite stories… Once in a while, you stumbl...
View full detailsMedaillons have to be earned. In the Lord of the Rings universe, there are more than enough opportunities for that: The defeat of Sauron and the co...
View full detailsAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.Peter Jackson has taken this quote by Gandalf to heart and dedicated part of ...
View full detailsThe movie adaptation of the fantasy masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" is considered extremely successful even by fans of the books. This is partl...
View full detailsQuestion: Is it fair to compare new fantasy novels with Tolkien's Lord of the Rings? Because it's simply amazing what the father of modern fantasy ...
View full detailsThe world and the characters that J. R. R. Tolkien created in his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy are unique in their detail. Peter Jackson has brought...
View full detailsAttention! You should only own the Lord of the Rings Key Chain – The One Ring if you are the Dark Lord himself. Then it has unique and unbeatable f...
View full detailsWhen it's cold and dreary outside again and the days are getting shorter, you want to make yourself especially cosy inside. A hobby cave would be t...
View full details"Speak friend and enter". These words are emblazoned on the doors of Durin which conceal the way into the mines of Moria and the dwarven city of Kh...
View full detailsOn their journeys, Frodo, Bilbo and all their companions have experienced many an adventure and have been through times of hardship. And we all kno...
View full detailsIn most role-playing games, we are tasked with slaying dragons and plundering their massive hoards of riches. But if we take a moment to reflect on...
View full detailsOne of the things that makes the fantasy genre so special is its beasts. Especially dragons, a legend that comes to life in the stories of fantasy ...
View full detailsEvery child –even some adults, for that matter – would love to have a companion like the dragon Toothless by their side. Unfortunately, Hiccup is u...
View full detailsTo become a Sayajin and become as successful and powerful as Son-Goku, you have to train hard. But good training alone is of course not enough, a b...
View full detailsThe pen & paper role-playing game “Dungeons & Dragons” has been around since 1975 – back in the day a completely new invention that paved the way f...
View full detailsAs is well known, there are different types of players in pen & paper games: those who just want to have fun, those for whom role-playing is most i...
View full detailsYou don't need much for pen & paper role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons As the name suggests, pen, paper and a little imagination are all y...
View full detailsIn a giant open-world role-playing video game, it's easy to get lost among hordes of enemies, quests and other distractions. And when dragons start...
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