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Are you bored of wrapping your cool, geeky gifts, which you picked out with love and care, (ideally from our shop, of course!)– in oh-so boooring w...
View full detailsWhile electronics certainly is a complex and fascinating field, many newcomers are put off by the sheer amount of complex information out there. Wh...
View full detailsAnyone who's even remotely interested in electronics and tinkering would probably take a bath in LEDs, batteries, transistors and other parts Scroo...
View full detailsAs nerds, we like jokes and plays on words that outsiders might not get. Our favourite dead horse to beat is the number Pi. After all, Pi is basica...
View full detailsEngineers are particularly efficient. The main reason for this lies in their near-perfect dedication to their work, as illustrated in this diagram....
View full detailsWe're living in a time where everybody can take photos with their phone! But people don't care about framing, focusing and lighting the p...
View full detailsAre you an optimist or a pessimist? Simply look at the glass and tell us if it's half full or half empty ...Everyone knows this pseudo-scientific p...
View full detailsMaybe the Borg should re-think their dress code and instead, put on the Resistance is futile T. Shirt which would be better than wired overalls tha...
View full detailsOK, you're allowed to admit it: Maths was your favourite subject at school and you just couldn't get enough of it, right? And even today ...
View full detailsImagine arriving at the office, sitting down at your desk in order to do all the important bug fixes , whilst sipping your coffee... when all of t...
View full detailsMany myths exist about how engineers manage to find solutions for problems that mere mortals could never hope to solve: pagan blood sacrifices, com...
View full detailsThis Metal Earth Craft Kit space line contains 11 building kits of particularly fine achievements in engineering technology, including:[[Mars Rover...
View full detailsAccording to several strategists from history, no plan will survive contact with the enemy. To a certain degree, this principle also applies to the...
View full detailsThe English word engineer is on Wikipedia's list of the most commonly misspelled words.Problems with that word also exist in other languages. ...
View full detailsWhen you were a kid, did you used to love rolling marbles down a run and watching them roll down and around and around...? It was probably only mad...
View full detailsWhat the heck is this?Good question! This is the ultimate illustration of the pointlessness of man's existence. Yes, that's what it is. T...
View full detailsDon't we all dream of constructing our own robot? Unfortunately, pretty much anything beyond a fighting machine designed for Robot Wars can be pret...
View full detailsWith a Potato Clock, you won't need batteries or electricity from the power socket anymore –(at least not to know what time it is).Do you reme...
View full detailsThis rather chilling choice of words from the Borg right before assimilation shows the benefits of a hive mind and thus the shared knowledge of sev...
View full detailsOn expeditions into the vastness of space, all the glory ultimately goes to the captain, although without the engineers there wouldn’t even be a sh...
View full detailsFinishing a puzzle is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, you successfully put 300, 500 or even 1000 pieces together; on the other hand, you hav...
View full detailsSooner or later, everyone of us will need to tighten a screw, open a bottle or saw through ropes or other material on the go (trust us, the rope th...
View full detailsHow can I do X? And how does Y work? Can I do Z instead? Almost 99 percent of all questions that admins, helpdesks and other service agents get tor...
View full detailsMany theories seem flawless on paper. Only when they have to be applied in the real world do unforeseen problems or surprising realisations arise. ...
View full detailsNo matter whether it’s just a “simple” manufacturing unit or an interplanetary killer android from a science fiction movie, robots are cool. That’s...
View full detailsThis is what you get when you cross a steam engine with a beetle: steampunk battle beetles. So you'd better watch out when assembling these insects...
View full detailsAwaken your ingenuity with MaKey MaKey! Turn apples into computer game controllers or invent a 'banana keys' piano. The MaKey MaKey Kit offers ever...
View full detailsWe are the Ohm. Resistance is futile! If you like science fiction and scientific jokes, this button is for you. :)
An answer to every single newbee question... Now you do not even have to make the effort to open your mouth!For those who do not know (and are afra...
View full detailsSometimes it's astonishingly easy to hack into other computer systems. Just pick up your phone and say: "Hi. This is your system administ...
View full detailsBattery-powered clocks are definitely easier to use and more convenient in everyday life compared to their mechanical counterparts. However, automa...
View full detailsLooks like the Borg are in need of a physics lesson or two! Obviously, they've failed to assimilate a culture having at least some basic knowl...
View full detailsOriginally, Pip-Boys were a privilege reserved for Vault dwellers and raiders who encountered them, but with the Fallout Pip Boy 3000 MK V replica ...
View full detailsIt doesn't always have to be a large cattle phi, a herd of small phi can also be very productive. However, it is better not to eat the meat rho...
It's not enough for talented coders to write their own code, they try to analyze other programs and hardware too! For example, they'll wr...
View full detailsGandalf said it to the Balrog in 'The Lord of the Rings', while the Black Knight said it to King Arthur in 'Monty Python and the Hol...
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