Among wizards and witches, the creation of a Horcrux is seen as the ultimate sin. After all, a Horcrux allows the creator to split up their soul an...
View full detailsSince our Hogwarts letters are apparently still missing in the aftermath of the global post owl strike, we will have to wait a little longer until ...
View full detailsWhat for some people are fantastic stories that have sprung from the brains of talented authors are for other people a reflection of reality. With ...
View full detailsWe all know that governments lie. Magic really does exist! How else would this scarred boy fly on a broom? Hah, the power of good arguments. Almost...
View full detailsWith a few notable exceptions, the universes of most video games, movies, books and other media rarely cross into each other’s domains. Which is a ...
View full detailsTo our surprise, even the world of wizards and witches involves dealing with rather mundane problems: plagued by money problems, the Sorting Hat fr...
View full detailsIn both the Harry Potter books and the movies, Luna Lovegood reminds us that it’s perfectly fine to be a little bit different – a feeling that all ...
View full detailsThe basilisk that lies in wait for Harry in the Chamber of Secrets is one of the most terrifying creatures in the magical world. A single glance ki...
View full detailsO Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How Lovely are your… Harry Potter decorations?!This must be Dobby’s doing. Since he decorated the Room of Requi...
View full detailsEverybody knows Cluedo. This legend of a board game turns regular players into master investigators stepping into the footsteps of Hercule Poirot a...
View full details‘Even the smallest person can change the course of the future!’Wrong franchise? This wisdom certainly still applies. And especially to the little h...
View full detailsWhen Harry - and we as readers - first get to know the world of witches and wizards, he is fascinated by all the magic. As we all know, it manifest...
View full detailsThanks to the success of the Harry Potter books and films, platform 9 ¾ at King's Cross station in London has become a tourist attraction. This is ...
View full detailsAs Muggles, we don't have many options for travelling. Instead of brooms, floo powder or flying cars, we have to make do with slow and boring trans...
View full detailsIf you have finally managed to get hold of a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, you will first get a shopping list as long as your arm. Of course, y...
View full detailsEven though the fight against Lord Voldemort is the main topic in the books and movies recounting the life of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling has also g...
View full detailsIn Diagon Alley, at the Burrow, and in the Great Hall on just about any occasion, Harry and his friends can find baked goods galore in the form of ...
View full detailsIn the fabulous world of Harry Potter, the owl Hedwig is truly a marvelous animal. With her intelligence and dedication, she becomes far more to Ha...
View full detailsAs we learned in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, students at Hogwarts have access to not only boring old showers but also luxurious baths with...
View full detailsAt some point in your adult life, you will probably (like all of us) have come to the sad realisation that you will never get to Hogwarts. Neverthe...
View full detailsA wand, a pewter cauldron, a set of glass or crystal phials, a telescope, a set of brass scales and a pet (please note: an owl OR a cat OR a toad)....
View full detailsYou have actually made it to Hogwarts! Now you’ll face one of the most important tests of your life: the Sorting Hat decides which house you belong...
View full detailsThe aim of attending Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is to master the most important spells, to be able to mix useful potions, to ...
View full detailsHogwarts founders Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff were of very different opinions when it came to the t...
View full detailsQuidditch is not for the fainthearted: bloody noses, dangerous manoeuvres and fierce duels are just business as usual. It’s a sport that’s put Harr...
View full detailsTheir time at Hogwarts is one of the most special and important periods in the lives of witches and wizards from Harry Potter. In the halls of the ...
View full detailsBrewing a magic potion is quite likely the single most complex thing a wizard or witch can do in the Harry Potter universe. Just one wrong ingredie...
View full detailsThis Harry Potter Wooden Writing Set Box will transport you to the magical world of Hogwarts. Each element of this carefully designed set is decora...
View full detailsThe Chamber of Secrets was well hidden in Hogwarts for over a thousand years and now it suddenly appears in our shop. How could this happen? Well, ...
View full detailsEven though you are well over eleven, you are still eagerly awaiting the letter to Hogwarts. You just don't want to accept that you will remain a s...
View full detailsYou've packed your suitcase for Hogwarts. Hat, cauldron, owl and various quills and books are in there, but something is still missing. Just what? ...
View full detailsAlthough she is an excellent postwoman, the snowy owl Hedwig is not only a useful animal for Harry, but also something of a friend. During the long...
View full detailsFew Quidditch fans today are aware that the Golden Snitch was once not made of gold at all, but a living bird. But when the Snitch was soon threate...
View full detailsUnless you're a niffler, coins are probably of little value to you. The Harry Potter Coins will make the heart of every fan and collector beat fast...
View full detailsIn addition to the exciting story, Potterheads also accompany us the impressive pictures from the films for a lifetime. You have brought the many m...
View full detailsFew book series in the recent past have come close to the level of immersion and atmosphere of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. You just need to grab a...
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