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Imagine Mewtu suddenly appears and you realise that you don't have a single Pokéball left. To make sure that something annoying like this never hap...
View full detailsHave you ever wondered why the pocket monsters from Pokémon, Digimon and similar series participate in dangerous arena battles? Somehow the thought...
View full detailsEven with complex modern games like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, GTA V and Skyrim, we sometimes still miss good old Jump’ n’ Run games, don’t we? Like...
View full detailsWhile Pokémon was a rather lonely affair on the GameBoy back then, it is now almost essential to team up with other trainers in Pokémon Go. Of cour...
View full detailsIf you ask yourself why Pokémon is so popular as a game, you'll probably come up with an ancient human instinct pretty quickly: hunting and gatheri...
View full detailsAs the saying goes: "Life is like a box of cookies, you never know what you're going to get." It's the same with the iconic question mark blocks fr...
View full detailsDo your thoughts sometimes take you back to the days of the NES and a good round of Super Mario Bros. on the TV? With the Nintendo Super Mario Retr...
View full detailsTetris is such a popular game that it can be played on all kinds of consoles and even on calculators and buildings. So it's time to integrate the f...
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