Oh. They’ve encased him in carbonite. He should be quite well protected. If he survived the freezing process, that is.As we all know, Han made it t...
View full detailsHow great would it be to have a true-to-scale model of an X-wing? Or of an AT-AT? Or of Darth Vader's TIE fighter? And made of a long-lasting mater...
View full detailsIn the Star Wars saga, there are several technically gifted hobbyists. Both Anakin and Luke are very successful at tinkering with droids or podrace...
View full detailsBeing a smuggler is a tough job. You have to keep track of the individual orders at all times, plan routes and, most important of all, stay one ste...
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The soldiers of the Empire are not normally known for their outstanding combat skills. Nevertheless, they are more athletic than you might think, b...
View full detailsYes, we all know the stereotype: the male nerd enjoys a science-fiction classic like Star Wars while his girlfriend slowly drifts off to sleep. Fir...
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