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Pirate Remote

£14.90 GBP
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Description Pirate Remote

With this small device for the keychain, you can control televisions: It has many remote control codes stored and can cycle through them at the push of a button until the appropriate codes are found. After that, it is possible to turn off the television, change the channels or volume, mute it, or switch between antenna and video signal.
It takes up to 2 minutes for the device to adjust to a television. The recognition works as follows: After pressing a button, the Pirate Remote sends the "volume change" codes for all known televisions. As soon as the television to be controlled changes its volume, you must react, and the Pirate Remote then knows which television it is dealing with.
Regarding recognition, the following should be noted: Unfortunately, some televisions are not recognized, and it can also happen that some controls, such as channel switching, do not work. The comparable products TV Ausschalter and TV-B-Gone have a better recognition rate but can only turn televisions on or off.

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